Biographical Personality Sketches of Theorists
and their Views of Personality
Personality theorists are in the unique position of studying the entire person. They have the monumental task of synthesizing the best information on human personality from the diverse fields of the discipline into a coherent, holistic configuration. In the course of their work, personality psychologists address fundamental issues of human nature and individual differences.
Each theorist conceptualizes personality differently. Some are most concerned with theory and generate ideas about the causes and nature of personality. Others believe that human behaviors have their roots in unconscious motives whose true nature is outside the individual's awareness and whose sources lie deeply buried in their distant past. Others focus on the current conditions of the individual's life and on their present relationships and experiences; while yet others focus on overt actions--the things that an individual does visibly--and seeks to study these actions as directly and precisely as possible.
There are also varying views on approaches and assessment of personality:
![](Symb075c00b700f099336600.gif) For every psychologist who believes that individuals must be studied in controlled experimental environments, there are others who believe that individuals can be best understood only in naturalistic, real-life environments.
![](Symb075c00b700f099336600.gif) Other psychologists urge the concentration on man's "peak experiences"-- their moments of personal, spiritual, or religious climax and fulfillment; and others suggest a systematic study of simpler behaviors under conditions that permit a clearer analysis of causation.
![](Symb075c00b700f099336600.gif) As mentioned earlier, some psychologists also address deviant personality behavior and changes in personality in an effort to assist with the amelioration of human problems through therapy.
The study of personality from theoretical perspectives is indeed thought provoking, challenging and transformational On the pages above, you will be introduced to some of the many perspectives and discussions on personality development and influences on personality formation. As you will discover, there are many definitions and explanations, but little consensus. And, the real truth about these perspectives is that they can all apply in particular and unique situations and settings.