London, England

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Honored at Westminster Abbey

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The 10 Christian Martyrs on the Front of Westminster Abbey, London, England

From left to right they are: Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Russia) d. 1918; Manche Masemola (South Africa) d. 1928; Maximillian Kolbe (Poland), d. 1941; Lucian Tapiedi (Papua New Guinea), d. 1942; Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Germany), d. 1945; Esther John (Pakistan), d. 1960; Martin Luther King (USA), d. 1968; Wang Zhiming (China), d. 1973; Archbishop Hanani Luwum (Uganda), d. 1977; Archbishop Oscar Romero (El Salvador), d. 1980.

Martin Luther King is recognized and honored in Great Britain and is regarded as one of the ten Christian martyrs of the twentieth century unveiled on July 9, 1998.  Dr. King is placed above the center front door of Westminster Abbey in London England.  He is located in the center of the martyrs.

Westminster Abbey has long been recognized as the coronation church of Kings and Queens for over a thousand years. It is the place where all the Kings and Queens are coronated beginning with Edward the Confessor in 1042. It also is  a place frequented by members of the Royal Family and where Princess Diana's funeral was held. At the heart of the nation and standing alongside the Houses of Parliament and the offices of government, the Abbey is considered a symbol of the connection between Church and State.

It houses the tombs of Kings and Queens and other recognized scholars, dignitaries, poets, musicians, scientists and more. Some of the famous honorables buried in the church include, Mary, Queen of Scots, Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, the Bronte Sisters, Lady Margaret Buford, Oliver Cromwell, Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Geoffrey Chaucer, Robert Browning, Alfred Tennyson, Lewis Carroll, William Wordsworth, Laurence Olivier, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, George Frederick Handel, to name only a few.

It is widely known that the King name orignated in Great Britain and Ireland. Kings, worldwide are reported to be related to each other. In traveling to Great Britain, Ireland and Scotland, there is much written on the history of the King name.

More to come...

Related Links:

Westminster Abbey

The MLK, Jr., Research & Education Institute