The Psychology Discussion group is designed to give students the opportunity to discuss in greater depth any related topic. The discussion group meeting time also can be used to clarify issues and information discussed in class. Discussion forums also may include guest speakers or specialists in certain areas.
Participation in all psychology discussion forums will earn students bonus points toward their final grade. Discussion groups begin during the first month of the semester. Students (or teams of students) are encouraged to coordinate and run the discussion group sessions. Students also can opt to serve as coordinator for the semester and receive a grade in lieu of doing a final paper or project. The instructor will announce topics, dates, and times in class. The psychology discussion group will meet twice monthly outside of class time.
An event that will be held at the end of the semester where students are able to display in exhibit form their special portfolios or projects developed during the semester in psychology. The psychology fair is designed to be much like a science fair, where students display what they have learned in psychology during the semester. Students are required to be present to explain their projects or exhibits to their peers, faculty and the public. The psychology instructor also is available and will be making individual assessments of student projects and learning. Students are encouraged to develop their final project (#4) for entry into the psychology fair. This project would be in lieu of a formal research paper. The entries in the psychology fair are judged by a panel. Students are awarded grand prize or best of fair, first, second and third place and honorable mention.
The psychology fair is student coordinated. Student teams can opt to plan, coordinate, advertise, and implement the psychology fair in lieu of the final paper or project. Each student will receive a grade based on the effective planning and implementation of the fair as well as its success.
The professor and students in psychology have created ongoing study groups on subjects in psychology and altered states of consciousness. There may be several study groups meeting on different topics simultaneously during the semester. Each study group will have a student coordinator. The study groups meet once a week for an hour or as the group designates. See a selection of possible topics and resources under Class Bulletin.
Attend the weekly meditation sessions where there is much discussion about the benefits of meditation and the essential components and types. These discussions are followed by 90 minutes of meditation practice using different forms.