Max Wertheimer and Gestalt Psychology
Visit the web site below and discuss the questions that follow. Who was Max Wertheimer? How did Gestalt Psychology contribute to the field of perception? What are the laws of perceptual organization and grouping?
Perceptual Illusions
Visit the sites below. What are illusions? What are some common perceptual illusions and why do they usually occur? What are ambiguous figures? Provide other examples of illusions.
Principles of Perception in Art
Many artists are now using perceptual principles in their art. M.C.Escher and Salvador Dali are two famous artists who used these principles early on in art. You can see many ambiguous figures and scenes in their art. Please visit the sites below and discuss how these artists used principles of perception. Also view the tessellations on the Escher site. What are tessellations?
Grand Illusions-What Do You See?
Visit the grand illusions site. Look at the fun and games. Visit the Jolly Jug. How can you get water to flow from the bottom of the jolly jug? Why is this considered a perceptual illusion?
Click on the Professor of Illusion. What is seeing?
Click on the 9 Missing People. Who are they? Make a list.
Visit one other link of interest from this site. Tell us what you like about it and how it is related to perception.