Do Evolutionary and Genetic Factors Determine Our Sexual Behavior?
Go to the "Lessons" page and read about the role of evolutionary theory in describing sexual behavior. Do you think the evolutionary perspective explaining human sexuality is a valid one? Why or why not? Is the purpose of humankind's existence to spread their genes and to keep the species evolving? Is it natural for man to practice infidelity? Is it true that lifelong monogamy is not as "natural" as man might think? What are the future implications of this perspective?
This site is part of a discussion forum, discussing Symon's book on the evolution of human sexuality.
This site is part of the above discussion forum on evolutionary psychological issues. Includes a critique and discussion of the book entitled "Sperm Wars."
Is Homosexuality Genetically Determined?
Scientists currently working on the Human Genome Project are conducting research on how to perform gene therapy (which allows scientists to manipulate genetic sequences of DNA). Is it appropriate for scientists to look for DNA sequence structures that account for homosexuality? Is it appropriate for scientists to alter the DNA of a fetus that might identify it as homosexual? Should fetuses having this homosexual gene be altered to be heterosexual? Why or Why Not?
For more information of this subject, ask your instructor for a copy of the article: Is Homosexuality Genetically Determined? Also visit the human genome project.
Everything you want to know about genetics and DNA, including sex and inheritance, DNA fingerprinting and much more. Developed by the Exploratorium in San Francisco, CA.
The research laboratory at the National Institutes of Health. Includes a report on the mission and goals of the project. Contains reports from the Center for Inherited Disease Research; Ethical, Legal and Social Implications; Genomic and Genetic Resources; Workshops and Conferences; and a glossary of genetic terms. This is an awesome site. You can actually listen to NIH experts explain each term in the glossary. The glossary includes an explanation of such terms as, gene therapy, Huntington's disease, diabetes, cloning, Parkinson's disease and much more.