Major Issues in Psychology
Review the lesson on the "Overview of Psychology" in the Lessons and Handouts section of this web site.
Review the major issues in psychology. Provide a real-life and relevant example of one of the issues.
This example can come from something you have read or experienced, from the textbook, from related
psychological research, or from a scholarly journal. Post your response to this question on the web board by
going first to the discussion forum page on the course website and then posting your answer on the web board.
Also respond to at least one response provided by one of your classmates.
What do you Find Interesting?
After reading the lesson on the overview of psychology on the course website (King's Psychology Network at http://www.psyking.net/id29.htm), reflect on what you have learned. What did you find interesting from the lesson? What questions did the lesson generate for you? Can you think of situations in life today for the use of any of the information you learned?