Protecting Unborn Babies Against Harm
Does society's interest in protecting an unborn baby justify coercive measures against pregnant women who ingest harmful substances? Should pregnant women who refuse to stop drinking, taking drugs or get treatment be incarcerated until they give birth? Should mothers who repeatedly give birth to children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome be sterilized? (Adapted from Papalia & Olds, 2002)
Visit the following sites on prenatal effects:
Paternal and Maternal Influences on Prenatal Development
Visit the following website:
A University of South Florida site that discusses the causes of infertility in men and women. The site includes a presentation of research findings of the impact of environmental impacts to the developing fetus. Among the many substances cited are: coffee, food additives, MSG, plastics, nutrasweet, alcohol, food additives, cosmetic chemicals, job occupations, cigarettes, pesticides, vehicle exhaust, geographic locations, and more.
What are the ideal factors for conception–how must both parents prepare for conception? Cite some of the findings from research of the environmental influences on prenatal development–from the father and the mother.