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Physiological and Brain Linkages to Learning
What does the research say about what the physiological and brain effects of learning on the body? Search for and visit related links on the subject. When you post your response, please cite the links you visited.
For starters, here are a few links that you can visit to stimulate your thinking. You can search for additional ones.
Related Learning Links:
Classical Conditioning #1
Check your understanding of classical conditioning by identifying the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR) in the example. Indicate the reason for your answer. **Melanie is driving to work on a rainy highway when she notices that the brake lights of all the cars just ahead of her have come on. She hits her brakes but watches in horror as her car glides into a four-car pileup. She's badly shaken up in the accident. A month later she's driving in the rain again and notices that she tenses up every time she sees brake lights come on ahead of her. (Weiten,2000)
Classical Conditioning #2
Check your understanding of classical conditioning by identifying the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR) in the example. Indicate the reason for your answer. **At the age of 24, Max has recently developed an allergy to cats. When he's in the same room with a cat for more than 30 minutes, he starts wheezing. After a few such allergic reactions, he starts wheezing as soon as he sees a cat in a room.
Classical Conditioning #3
Check your understanding of classical conditioning by identifying the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR) in the example. Indicate the reason for your answer. **Sam is 3 years old. One night his parents build a roaring fire in the family room fireplace. The fire spits out a large ember that hits Sam in the arm, giving him a nasty burn that hurts a great deal for several hours. A week later, when Sam's parents light another fire in the fireplace, Sam becomes upset and fearful, crying and running from the room. (Weiten, 2000)
Operant Conditioning
Go to the "Lessons" section on Learning. Visit at least one site on operant conditioning. Indicate the site you visited by listing the URL address and the title of the site. Develop a demonstration of a learning activity using operant conditioning.
Operant Conditioning: Recognizing Schedules of Reinforcement
Check your understanding of schedules of reinforcement in operant conditioning by identifying the type of schedule of reinforcement--CR for continuous reinforcement, FR for fixed ratio, VR for variable ratio, FI for fixed interval and VI for variable interval. Indicate the reason for your answer. **Sarah is paid on a commission basis for selling computer systems. She gets a bonus for every third sale. **Artie's parents let him earn some pocket money by doing yard work approximately once a week. **Martha is fly-fishing. Think of each time that she casts her line as the response that may be rewarded. **Mort, who is in the fourth grade, gets a gold star from his teacher for every book he reads. **Skip, a professional baseball player, signs an agreement that his salary increases will be negotiated every third year. (Weiten, 2000)
Recognizing Outcomes in Operant Conditioning
Indicate whether the examples below involve positive reinforcement (PR), negative reinforcement (NR), punishment (P), or extinction (E). Indicate the reason for your answer. **Lyle gets a speeding ticket. **Diane's supervisor compliments her on her hard work. **Leon goes to the health club for a rare workout and pushes himself so hard that his entire body aches and he throws up. **Audrey lets her dog out so she won't have to listen to its whimpering. **Richard shoots up heroin to ward off tremors and chills associated with heroin withdrawal. **Edna constantly complains about minor aches and pains to obtain sympathy from colleagues at work. Three coworkers who share an office with her decide to ignore her complaints instead of responding with sympathy.
Schedules of Reinforcement
You are a manager of a large automobile factory. You are ultimately responsible for the quality of the cars and trucks built under your supervision. White-collar office employees, factory line workers, and quality control employees all report to you. What schedules of reinforcement would you use for these positions to increase productivity? Are some schedules inappropriate? Why?
Observational Learning
Go to the "Lessons" page on Learning and visit a site on observational learning. Define observational learning. What and how do we learn by observation? Develop a list. Albert Bandura and others have conducted much research on the effects of TV on violent and aggressive behavior and the effects of pornography on deviant behavior. Outline the specific ways the media, such as television influences our behavior.
Can Computers Learn? - Chess Games
A computer program generates random opening moves for its first 100 chess games and tabulates the outcomes of those games. Starting with the 101st game, the computer uses those tabulations to influence its choice of opening moves. Is this an example of learning? Can computers learn like humans? Why or why not?
Can Computers Learn? - The Case of MYCIN
MYCIN is a computer program that does a rather good job of diagnosing human infections by consulting a large data base of rules it has been given. If we add another rule to the database, has MYCIN learned something?
Why or why Not?